The Rise of Motion Graphic Animation

Nowadays, a few simple photos in your advertising brand campaign might not be enough to promote and gather exposure to the levels you’re looking for.

In fact, according to HubSpot, 72% of customers would rather learn about a product or service by watching a video. Not only that, animated videos are usually even more effective, as seen in DropBox’s explainer video that on launch, resulted in 10% more conversions.

Animated videos are also fantastic for social media, as they perform extremely well on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. On top of this, animated videos are perfect for product demonstration or promotion, as they can be as long or short as you want, and because they’re not live-action, you have the freedom to show things that may be otherwise impossible to film. You can even include characters representing your brand and multiple scenes in a single video without it becoming too expensive to produce.

As important as video making and animation is, it’s also quite a complex skill to learn, especially if it’s only for an important campaign once or twice a year. This means it may be more efficient for you to outsource it to professionals you can trust to represent your brand.

At Design Identity, we not only offer expert photography services, but also high quality motion graphic animation services. We understand the importance of animation in advertising and will work with you to create an animation that is on brand, on message, and on budget.

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Please get in touch with us to transform your brand!

We can complete a high end campaign for your business to improve sales and generate awareness in your industry. | 02 8339 0130

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