The Future of Fashion Ecommerce

Fashion eCommerce isn’t a new idea, however, with the rise of online shopping, social network advertisements, and online shopping Apps, it is more important for your businesses success than ever before. The future of fashion eCommerce is the transition from static eCommerce photographs, to catwalks in motion and the logical next step is a Virtual Reality Catwalk. Although not a new technology, in the last few years it has made a statement in the fashion industry going well beyond a 360 video.

What is a Virtual Reality Catwalk?
Viewers use a virtual reality headset which allows them to watch a 360 degree video. A 3D view of a catwalk as if they were sitting in the front row. This is really useful to the user because it enables them to better visualise a product, and helps them learn more about it before they decide to purchase or not.

What does it offer?
A virtual catwalk can help your brand’s identity and put your product in motion, literally and figuratively. It helps your brand attract the attention it deserves and gives your consumers the most realistic view of your product. The virtual catwalk shows the garments in motion, how they sit and move when walking, turning, twisting, just as they would if they were worn in real life.

Where to from here?
With technology ever evolving and expanding, the sky is the limit.

The one thing that is for sure is that the consumer will benefit just as much as the brand themselves by receiving a personalised display of products which suit the target market. For example, it may it be personalised to a country, city or a specific store.
Now we will just have to wait and see.

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